Skore project cover
UI/UX design


In only 5 months I designed a complete product suite for corporate e-learning. Today some of the worlds biggest companies are using it.


Skore was looking for an experienced Product Designer to lead a strategic initiative. Their goal was to build a top platform to deliver engaging knowledge management experiences. Being a Brazilian company, I worked remotely together with them on the product. 


The first step in any project is learning as much as possible about the company and its users. I collected interviews, questionnaires, and other data points available.  After identifying the biggest problems, we prioritized what were the key areas that would make or break the product. One of them was that competitors were hard to use and not engaging enough. They had no feedback and social functionalities that would improve the learning experience.

Skore project questionaire


Next, we improved on the brand. A wordmark and hand-drawn illustration were the only current branding assets. I created a new emotional driven logo for their Slack bot, that speaks to their audience. A friendly robot that helps whenever you need to share amazing content with your company. A simple logo that is cute and easy to use on all media types. For typography, I choose a bold and modern font that is easy to read even at the smallest sizes. The complete brand book was then created defining typography, colors, and usage.

Skore branding


Now it's time to get into the details. With a mobile-first strategy, we began defining each key functionality. This made sure that we reduced each screen to only to information users needed at this moment.

Using pen & paper we could illiterate on ideas at a lightning-fast speed. In this process, I was coming up with new ideas and opportunities that would set the product apart. For example, a next-level search that could combine terms and dates to find the exact content.

Skore wireframe

For clear and effective communication I created user flows based on each functionality. This made sure that even the smallest details were taken care of and well understood. With over 25 different flows this was a highly complex application, that still needed to be simple to use.

Skore Wireframes

User Interface Design

E-learning seems to be stuck in the early two thousand from a design perspective. The interfaces are slow, hard to use, and plain, not fun. This changed with Skore. We developed a colorful yet simple and easy to use design. It is up to date with current interface standards that the user sees every day. Employers and Employees actually want to use it.

Skore project cover

"With the ease of adding content, there will be something new to learn every day. The teams in the company will have a central spot for learning that is actually used. "

Skore search responsive design

With the focus on a native app and web application, we made sure that learning can happen anywhere. Even on the way to work, I can already read the newest content my team shared.


The reading experience is the central part where users are learning. To make this as efficient and pleasant as possible, I used my design experience from Blinkist. Crafting world-class typography that is easy to read even on the smallest of screens. Distraction-free reading makes sure that the user is always focused on learning. On top of the reader is the context of why this article is valuable for the team and me.

The team leader can check what members have not read this learning yet. Administrative functions allow it to organize, tag, and comment content directly there.

Skore reader


To make sure that users are not only reading but also understanding the content we included the quiz. The manager can choose between many quiz types for each learning. It's easy to set up and easy to fill out for the users. After reading a prompt appears to complete the quiz. Questions can include free form, multiple-choice, and pictures. Right after answering the user gets feedback if his answer was correct. In the end, he gets an overview of his performance.

Skore Quiz


A great product deserves a great website. To make sure potential users understand the power of Skore I created a beautiful site. Starting with a big bold header that gives a glimpse of the product and companies that are already using it. Continuing with the features that leave the competition in the dust. With custom illustrations and iconography we communicated a serious playfulness. All these together led to a great conversion rate and a huge amount of new customers.

Skore landing page web design

It's hard to capture everything I did for Skore in a few images and sentences. It was one of the most exciting projects I've worked on to date. With the new UX and UI, some of the world's biggest companies started using it. Including Bayer, Monsanto, and Santander.