Profile photo Christoph Hellmuth
Hi i'm Christoph Hellmuth

Design that helps small businesses and startups reach hyper growth.

Christoph is a high-grade web, UX and UI designer specialized in mapping out, designing, and delivering easy to use and effective designs on time.

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happy clients

10 yrs

of experience


happy users of products
I helped design

Is your product not performing the way you want it?

  • Does your product feel and look dated? Performance going down steadily?
  • Users are confused about what to do. Do you get daily questions about how to use your site?
  • The people coming to your site are leaving. You don't grow as fast as your competitors?
  • Developers need forever to make changes. Does your site have 20 variations of the same button?

It doesn't have to be this way. Let me help you solve these problems.

Get a free consultation now
Example of a badly designed user interface

Selected Projects

Look at some of the best work I've done in the past ten years of my career. If you have a similar problem to solve, feel free to contact me today. Together we find out how I can best help you.

Become part of a success story

I've worked on amazingly successful projects with these selected clients. For example: One company decreased their reclamation rate by 90% and generated millions more in revenue with the product I designed.

Get a free consultation now
List of brands. Toptal, Blinkist, Flyeralar, Timee, Skore

Kind Words From People Who Have Hired Me

Niklas  J., Co-Founder Blinkist

Christoph is great to work with. He's full of energy and amazing ideas. He puts the user first and is always looking to find delightful solutions. Furthermore, he's the only person I know who's reading more than 100 books per year.

Martin M.

Christoph's advise is priceless to me, I can see he has so much experience and is very open to sharing it.

Thomas O.

Had a great conversation. Christoph is easy to talk with and seems knowledgable about every piece of product design. Good guy. Looking forward to talking again.

Linnéa L.

Christoph was very helpful, structured and kind. He gave me a lot of tips on links that's gonna help me forward in my UX.